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The free interactive wine website - that lets you score too!
Wine Scores

First, rest assured, we do not share your email address with anyone. Your email address will be used by winescores.ca to receive the twice monthly the Wine Diva newsletter (you can opt out of receiving the newsletter the first time you receive it) and any special event editions to keep you on top of what is happening in the wine world.

What else can you do on Wine Scores?

See the "real time" Top 5 wines (of all the wines in my database) as rated by Wine Diva readers! This is newly implemented as of September 14 2007.
You can also find out the:
Top 5
Reds, Top 5 Whites, Top 5 Bubbles and Top 5 Dessert/Port/Aperitifs
The "Top 5" can be used for publication with approval from daenna@winediva.ca  
The Top 5 will be updated automatically as wines are scored so they really are "real time".

Create Lists – organize your wine shopping, whether it be for an upcoming party, or those coveted cellar keepers, you can keep track of wines in one place and  print out your lists.

Rate the wines – Rating the wine serves two purposes. First, to share your thoughts on a wine with other Wine Scores readers. In the future it will help Wine Scores to make recommendations based on your wine preferences.

 Be the first to know with the Wine Diva newsletter.
Every two weeks Wine Diva will send you a newsletter by email. This includes the latest wine reviews as well as food, cheese and dining reviews. If you don’t want to receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe immediately.  

Your wine reviews and private wine lists are confidential. Individual ratings or preferences will never be attributed to an individual  but Wine Diva may use your information to tabulate “collective ratings” based on a group of readers’ responses. For example, Top Ten Lists. Collections of ratings and other reader preferences may be used and distributed so long as the information is not attributed to an individual.

In short...
Wine Sure Bets - What's a good wine for blue cheese? How about for that spicy pad thai? My wine suggestions are just a click away.  (you can access the Wine Sure Bets on the left hand menu).

Rate the wines
- tell other Wine Scores Readers what you think with my five star scoring system.

Keep wine lists. Now it's easy to keep track of all those wines that you want to buy (along with their pictures). Print off your list and take it to your favourite wine store.

"Show Me Similar"
- Like a wine but want to explore? The "Show Me Similar" link at the bottom left of each of my reviews will list up to 20 other wines with similar flavour profiles. They may not be the same varietal, or even the same colour, but this will help you sashay in the right direction.

Wine Search
- Now it's easy-peasy to pull up a list of my reviews by varietal, winery, region or keyword. Need a list of Pinots in a hurry? An affordable bubbly? Cheers, it's just a click away. (you can access the Reviews & Wine Search on the left hand menu).
Rate the wines or maintain your own wine lists. It's free.
Don't fret, I won't share your email address with anyone. I decided to have readers who build there own lists sign up. By signing up it means that if your computer has a hiccup, or "loses its cookies", you can still retrieve your lists. Create your own password, and if you forget it, I can just email it to you. You can also save your password, so you are always logged onto winescores.ca

Wine Diva -The first interactive wine website of its kind!
Wine Scores - The free interactive website - that lets you score too!

Wine Diva & Wine Scores

Help for Wine Lovers


Daenna Van Mulligen

Wine Scores reserves the right to refuse an account setup.

Wine Diva and winediva.ca and winescores.ca are wholly owned by Juiced Wine Group Inc.


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