El Petit Bonhomme Blanco, Rueda Spain
Readers rated this wine:
Tasty, racy, snappy.
Made from 100% Verdejo from Rueda (a truly underappreciated variety and region) this crisp white smells of bitter oramge and scorched honey, lemon oil and chamomile, peach wax, grass clippings and saffron. Dry and juicy on the palate it has a crisp zesty character with bold lemony flavours.
A tasty quaffer or pair with white meats, salads, seafood or olives, bread and cheese.
©copyright 2022 Daenna Van Mulligen
Wine Scores Reviewed - April 22nd, 2022
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89 Points

UPC Code -8437012278264
Agency: International Cellars

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